3 Ways to Stay Focused

This past week has taught me the power of staying focused. We had an eventful, unexpected event occur last week and it powerfully created a strong motivation within me.

One thing that I have been reflecting on is time management. As business owners, we have to master time management. The secret to success for entrepreneurs usually lies within the art of mastering their time. We have to learn whether we naturally get more done in the morning, afternoon, or evening and use this to our advantage. We have to learn what part of our schedule and to-do’s need to be prioritized.

How are you spending your time?

I’ve noticed nowadays that a majority of entrepreneurs spend more time online than focusing on their own business. This creates an unbalanced work load. If you’re engaging too much and working too little on your own business, how do you expect your business to thrive?

There's a well-known social media influencer whose fitness empire basically collapsed a few years ago after she took on too many clients than she could work with. She promised more than she was able to give because she spread herself too thin. Before we criticize her actions, we have to realize how easily this could be any one of us. If we are more focused on growing our lists, engaging with everyone, and putting out content after content before we work on our own business model and products, then we end up exactly where she was.

I don’t want to see any of my clients fail so here are a few tips for staying focused on your business while also increasing your social media engagement.

Hire a social media manager/marketing agency

This one seems like an obvious tip but if you have the budget for an agency or a social media manager, then you absolutely need to look into this. If you have someone engaging with your audience, posting your content, and creating new ideas for promoting your business, then this takes an incredible amount of pressure off of you, frees your time, and has the power to expand your business in ways you wouldn’t have even dreamed of if you were doing this alone. You’ll get the power of social media connection without having to invest your precious time.

If you’re spending one or two hours a day on engagement, creating posts, and creating advertisements then hiring someone to help you would free up five to twelve hours of your week. How would you spend those hours?

Set a timer

If you are easily distracted, set a timer. I often set one for 15 minutes before I move onto my next task. I set fifteen minute timers throughout the day so that I’m engaging at different times of the day instead of just once. This increases your engagement, allows your posts to be seen more, and lets your followers know that you care about them.

For example, instead of just setting one long period of time aside for social media engagement, break that off into segments throughout the day. Maybe you engage once after breakfast for ten minutes, once after lunch, and once after dinner. Not only does this make your audience feel seen but it also feels less overwhelming for you as a business owner especially when your time is precious. Most of us can dedicate fifteen minutes at different times of the day towards something. If we view it this way instead of as one time segment of an hour, it becomes less overwhelming.

Don’t forget to take time off

Taking time off will not harm your business. In fact, it’s essential. We cannot pour into others if we are empty. Living a healthy lifestyle should be your top priority. Why did you become an entrepreneur? Did you become one so that you could work from sun up to sun down every single day for the rest of your life? Most of us throw out our corporate briefcase and exchange it for this lifestyle so that we could have more power over our day. If you want more power over your day, stop giving all of your time to things that shouldn’t be a top priority.

Contact Us Today

It’s difficult to set boundaries. But it’s essential. I encourage you to write a list of your top priorities and stick to them. If you have it in your budget to hire help, you’d be surprised how your business can truly thrive. If you’re looking for help behind the scenes, contact me today. I would love to help you get started towards a healthier, more successful business. If you already have enough on your plate and can’t possibly comprehend the idea of tackling marketing, advertising, and social media engagement contact me today. I offer a variety of packages and can do all of these things for you so that you can fully focus on your business.


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