Social Media: Your Long-Term Marketing Strategy

I hear this question asked all of the time when I meet with clients: Is social media even necessary for my business? Will the investment of time and resources pay out?

The short answer is it very well could.

The long answer is that social media should be part of your long-term marketing strategy. While social media may not lead to an immediate phone call, your presence on social media establishes credibility, builds a community, and builds awareness.

Here are three reasons your business should be on social media.

Social Media Establishes Credibility

Social media is a great place to show your knowledge in your field. You know you’re passionate about what you do but does the rest of the world know? Social media is a great place to showcase that passion and establish you as an authority in your field. There are four great ways to show your passion on social media:

  1. Through entertainment. This can be with something as fun as a meme or something as engaging as a reel. Get creative. People are usually on Instagram for entertainment.

  2. Through education. Carousel posts are an amazing example of sharing your education and establishing your credibility. Check out my own Instagram page for examples of this (@profitchattermarketing). Carousel posts are great but keep in mind that you should keep the word count low on each page. For several reasons, peoples’ attention spans are a lot lower than they used to be so we have to aim to educate quickly. While this is frustrating, we can’t make people want to read our content. Deliver the content the way that they are used to consuming it especially if you’re that passionate about sharing it.

  3. By inspiring. I love to share quotes. I use Instagram to connect with people. Through sharing and inspiring on Instagram, you show your followers the human side of you. More people are seeking to support companies they stand behind. Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok have made it easier to see exactly what it is that businesses stand for. If the consumer doesn’t feel their beliefs align with theirs, they often will take their business elsewhere. That’s why it’s so important to feed the need for connection.

  4. By promoting. It’s okay to promote sometimes, just don’t get too “spammy”. Promoting what you do makes it obvious that you love your products and services. It shows that you stand behind them. It also eliminates confusion on what you actually do. I try to keep my posts limited to one strictly promotional post every 4 posts.

If someone were to search your business on Instagram, what would they see? Would they see a present business or would they even see you at all? Showing that you’re trying to remain present is valuable to the consumer. What may seem like a mundane task to you is very important to some of your audience. It also allows you a space to remain a source of knowledge in your field. You don’t have to share everything you know but sharing bits and pieces will establish a strong foundation of credibility.

Social Media Builds a Community

Create loyal customers by building a community online. No matter who your audience is, they’re most likely online. If your online presence is lacking, you’re missing out on potential customers. By building a community online, you also build a community who will refer your business to others. You can build loyal customers who believe in your products and services.

How do you build a community?

  1. Respond to comments and messages. You would be surprised how many people drop the ball on this one. I have actually built a community just in responding to comments, messaging others, responding to their posts and stories.

  2. Asking questions in your call to actions. Ask your audience a question in your caption or call to action. Ask what their weekend plans are. Ask for their “fun facts”. Get to know your audience and show that you care.

  3. Use the Instagram Stickers for engagement. Instagram has great interactive stickers to use in your reels and stories. This creates great engagement and pushes your content out to others when the algorithm notices people are responding.

Social Media Can Generate Leads

Social media can be a great way to generate leads as you establish yourself as an authority in your field. Posting videos and graphics sharing the knowledge that you already have is a great way to showcase your expertise. As previously stated, you know that you’re passionate about your field but does everyone else know? Share fun trends in your industry, fun facts relevant to the product or service that you provide, and even some shots of you behind the scene. This gives your audience a glimpse into your world, allowing them to see why they should hire you or buy from you and not the next person they see offering the same things.

You can also nurture your leads on social media by building a relationship with your followers and those who have expressed interest by engaging and building trust.

Have you ever heard the term social listening?

Social media also gives you a space for social listening. Like a fly on the wall, you can drop into conversations that are taking place on other posts and see what others are saying about the product or service you provide. Take note of concerns, praises, and areas where you can improve. As business owners, we often have a blind spot. We may not see the gaps in our industry but customers and clients see it. Listen to their concerns and act on it. This will set you up as someone who fills in the gaps and listens to concerns.

Social media is a great place to brand your business.

If your branding is consistent, it makes it easier for customers to quickly recognize it when they’re scrolling. This places you on the forefront of their mind when they think about the particular service or product that you provide.

Contact Us Today

Social media can be a lot to juggle but it’s proven to be essential. I encourage you to figure out your plan moving forward with social media. If you have it in your budget to hire help, you’d be surprised how your business can truly thrive. I would love to help you get started towards a healthier, more successful business. If you already have enough on your plate and can’t possibly comprehend the idea of tackling social media engagement contact me today. I offer a variety of packages so that you can fully focus on your business.

I also offer social strategy meetings where we meet to discuss your strategy moving forward, your content planning, and any other tips and tricks that will set you on a path to success. Schedule a social strategy meeting today.


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